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North Bay General Hospital - Scollard Site

, North Bay Ontario Canada  
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Name North Bay General Hospital - Scollard Site
Address 50 College Drive
Town North Bay
State Ontario
Country Canada
Post Code P1B 5A4
Phone 705 474 7525
Website YES
About North Bay General Hospital - Scollard Site

** About Us **
The North Bay Regional Health Centre (NBRHC) includes the District Hospital and the Regional Mental Health Centre. NBRHC opened for patient care on January 30, 2011. For the first time ever in Canada, we have an acute care hospital, serving North Bay and district, and a regional specialized mental health centre, providing specialized mental health services to all of northeast Ontario, co-located on the same site.

The North Bay Regional Health Centre - District Hospital provides acute care services to North Bay and its surrounding communities. It works closely with smaller community hospitals in the area-Mattawa, Temiscaming and West Nipissing General Hospitals-and provides specialist services to the area. It is one of four major hospitals serving northeast Ontario, the others being Sault Area Hospital, Timmins and District Hospital and the Hôpital régional Sudbury Regional Hospital (HRSRH). HRSRH also serves as the regional service provider for all of northeast Ontario and provides specialist services in Cardiology, Trauma and Cancer Care Ontario services.

The North Bay Regional Health Centre - District Hospital is committed to providing compassionate, quality, patient-focused care to the people of North Bay and surrounding areas.

As a district referral centre, the North Bay General Hospital has served the families of North Bay and the surrounding district for over 100 years. Previously two separate hospitals, the 228-bed NBGH is a result of the merger in 1995, of North Bay's Civic Hospital and the St. Joseph's Hospital and the addition of 40 acute mental health beds from the Northeast Mental Health Centre in 2009. Over the next three years of occupancy in the new NBRHC, the NBGH will increase its bed numbers to a total of 275; the increase being in Complex Continuing Care, Rehabilitation and Critical Care.

NBRHC - DH is truly a community hospital with more than 95% of family physicians in North Bay actively participating in patient care. Given the relatively small size of its community, NBRHC - DH offers a wide range of programs and services. Our staff and physicians maintain high standards and are flexible and innovative; ready to try new approaches and programs always improving patient care. Patients and their families repeatedly tell us that they appreciate the warm and skillful care they receive at our hospital.

The NBGH and the Northeast Mental Health Centre have been working together for years as they developed the new NBRHC and in November 2009, the Boards of the respective hospitals announced that they will recommend an amalgamation of the two service providers and the creation of a new organization. It is expected this new organization will become official April 1, 2011, and will be known as the North Bay Regional Health Centre which includes a District Hospital and a Regional Mental Health Centre.

** Mission **
The North Bay Regional Health Centre provides safe, integrated, high quality, client focused care in its dual role as a district referral hospital and a specialized regional mental health centre for northeast Ontario.

** Vision **
The North Bay Regional Health Centre is dedicated to the optimal physical and mental health and well being of those we serve.

** Values **
With Pride, We Care

* Compassion

* Accountability

* Respect

* Excellence
History Of North Bay General Hospital - Scollard Site

In 1899 the Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada established one of their Cottage Hospitals in North Bay, and placed a VON Nurse in charge. The Cottage Hospitals at that time were styled and known as "The Queen Victoria Cottage Hospital" in commemoration of the life of Queen Victoria.

Due to the need for more adequate accommodation, a temporary hospital was opened in 1902, and in 1904 The Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital was built on Klock Avenue, since renamed Algonquin Avenue.

The construction and equipment of this building was financed through a grant from the "Lady Minto Hospital Fund" which had been set up by the wife of Canada's Governor-General at that time, under the jurisdiction of the Board of Governors of the Order.

The Hospital was governed by a local organization constituted in accordance with the Charter and Bylaws of the Victorian Order, and a Board of Managers.

Additional building took place in 1907, and a wing was added in 1910 which brought the accommodation to 46 beds and 10 bassinets for patient care.

On December 31, 1924 the Victorian Order severed its connection with the remaining Cottage Hospitals, and North Bay was one of these. This meant that from this time on the hospital would be entirely self-governing.

In 1931 by a special Act of Parliament, the City of North Bay was authorized to accept and hold the property and to operate and maintain the same as a Civic general hospital. The Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital from then on was governed by North Bay Hospital Commission, appointed by the City Council.

The hospital served as a training school for nurses until 1933. The time came when the continued growth of the city and surrounding area made it necessary to ask the Government for permission to build a new modern 100-bed civic hospital, which was granted in 1949. The present site was chosen and the building of a new million dollar hospital got under way. The official opening of the "North Bay Civic Hospital" took place on Sunday, April 8, 1951.

In 1959 a firm of hospital consultants was engaged to make a further survey of our facilities and the projected requirements of the area.

Following receipt of their report and the approval of the various authorities concerned, construction began on March 16, 1965 on the $4,000,000 addition. The construction was completed in 1969, and the formal opening ceremony was held on December 11, 1968, when the Ontario Minister of Health, the Honourable M. B. Dymond, M.D., officiated.

An addition to the Emergency Department was completed and opened in July 9, 1991 in order to house a 12 bed observation unit.

The hospital operated with 193 beds until late 1991, at which time the severe financial constraints impacting on transfer payments necessitated the closure of 20 beds (16 surgical, 4 continuing care) and associated staff lay-offs. Nursing units were restructured to allow for long-term care to be consolidated on 4 West and the opening of a dedicated short-stay surgical unit. The implementation of innovative programs including pre-admission clinic, central booking, same day of surgery admission and estimated date of discharge allowed us to retain our surgical programs and respond well to the economic challenges.

Major initiatives in rationalization and shared services occurred in 1992, with the agreement to operate a single pediatrics inpatient unit at St. Joseph's and unified chemotherapy clinic on 6 West at Civic. Further discussion with St. Joseph's on amalgamation continued into 1993 covering areas such as ambulatory surgery, food services, occupational safety and the eventual objective of single governance of one acute care structure.

In 1995 St. Joseph's General Hospital and the North Bay Civic Hospital consolidated to become the North Bay General Hospital. In 1999 final directions of the Health Services Restructuring Commission recommends a new North Bay General Hospital on a new site, which will involve the closure of the existing facilities. The functional planning for this new health centre was completed in 2000, with the design phase beginning in 2001.

In 2004, the North Bay General Hospital Foundation raises $18.2M towards the community's share for the new centre.
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