About Us
Optimax is the UK's leading vision correction specialist. Founded
in 1991, we have performed over 225,000 treatments and currently
have 18 clinics nationwide. Our popularity and success enables
us to offer high quality laser eye surgery from just £595 per
eye and our rapid expansion plans allow us to bring affordable
sight improvement treatments to more locations across the UK
than ever before.
The Optimax London clinic opened in 1992 and over 45,000 Epi-LASEK
and LASIK eye correction treatments have been performed to date.
It also offers Cataract Surgery and Implantable Contact Lenses.
Your consultation and treatment is carried out by the same highly
experienced eye doctor to ensure continuity and maintain the
highest possible standards of care before, during and after
your treatment.
Welcome to Optimax
The UK's Number One Laser Eye Treatment Specialist
Optimax is the UK's No. 1 laser eye treatment specialist,
offering a wide choice of procedures at our 18 clinics nationwide.
Founded in 1991 to provide the highest possible quality of
treatment to everyone, our specialist eye surgeons have performed
over 225,000 procedures to date, double the number of treatments
compared to any other UK provider.
Our popularity and success enables us to offer affordable
laser eye treatment to everyone. With Epi-LASEK treatment
from £595, LASIK treatment from £850 (including astigmatism
correction and all aftercare) and the Optimax price match
policy, laser eye surgery has never been more affordable.
We pride ourselves on offering the best value for money while
maintaining the highest standards of medical care, backed
up by excellent results. For more reasons why to choose us :
We're the UK's Number One!
Optimax is the UK's Number One laser eye treatment specialist.
Founded in 1991, we have treated double the number of patients
compared to any other provider and pride ourselves on maintaining
the highest possible quality of treatment whilst being the
most affordable.
Number One For....
The best prices for the same treatments, guaranteed.
We treat the largest number of patients in the UK, and
have the largest number of clinics in the UK (18).
Femtosecond Laser and Wavefront Treatment give the best
quality of vision available.
For experience
Over 225,000 treatments performed since 1992 (Double
that of our nearest competitors).
The best lasers available in the UK (and the world).
The largest number of different treatments available.
(Femtosecond, Wavefront, LASIK, Epi-LASEK, ICL’s, RLE,
YAG, LTK, CK and Cataract).
Femtosecond is the safest way to date to create the
LASIK flap. Iris recognition and (on the correcting laser)
the fastest eye tracker available, gives exact placement
of the laser. Wavefront treatment gives the best improvement
of visual sharpness, above the level that can be achieved
with glasses.
Treatment range
Almost every prescription (Except prism) can now be
treated. No other clinic has this range of treatments.
Audited, published results
Our published results are better than competitors audited
For service
Your consultation is always with the treating doctor.
On the night of treatment you have Direct telephone contact
with treating doctor.
Medical team size
30 Specialist laser doctors, all sharing their experiences.
Patient care
Optimax pledge to be the best for all patients, in all circumstances.
Optimax has always had the best technology. As well as Wavefront
treatments and the new CK treatment for reading glasses (presbyobia),Optimax
leads with Intralase laser technology; with 14 lasers we were
the first company to offer this technology nationwide.