News - Alexandra Hospital, Redditch, Redditch Worcestershire UK |
Hill Crest Mental Health Unit |
Date : - 15/09/2009 |
The message that patient safety is top priority at the Alexandra, Kidderminster and Worcestershire Royal Hospitals will be emphasised by a series of special events to mark Patient Safety Week which begins on 21 September.
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust is already wholeheartedly committed to the national Patient Safety First Campaign, and support for the campaign’s annual awareness raising week provides an important opportunity to get patients and visitors involved as well as staff.
The Trust is launching a new dedicated email address and telephone hotline to encourage patients and visitors to raise concerns about safety issues, or suggest ways in which safety standards can be further improved.
Dr Steve Graystone, a Consultant Anaesthetist who was recently appointed as the Trust’s Medical Director for Patient Safety, explains: “The email and hotline is designed as an additional channel of communication, to add to the conversations that already take place between clinical staff, patients and their carers.
“Our aim is to drive up standards of safety by continually taking a critical look at everything we do and asking whether it is being done in the safest way possible.
“We encourage staff to let us know about any incidents or ‘near misses; so that we can learn from them and take action – but patients and visitors can also make a valuable contribution by acting as our eyes and ears across our hospitals.”
The email address is Patient.Safety@worcsacute.nhs.uk and the Patient Safety Hotline number is 01905 733444
Members of the Trust Board are also using the week to launch a long-term programme of ‘Patient Safety Walkabouts’ when Executive and Non-executive board members visit clinical areas to hear first hand from patients and staff about how safety standards might be improved. These visits will be structured and planned so that an action plan can be agreed on the day to tackle any issues highlighted.
Trust Chief Executive John Rostill stressed: “From Board to Ward, patient safety is our top priority. The very least that we should be able to promise our patients is that they will not come to any harm while they are in our care.”
Reference : - www.worcsacute.nhs.uk/alex/index.html |
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