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  News - Crozer-Chester Medical Center, Upland Pennsylvania USA
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Crozer-Chester Medical Center
Crozer-Chester Medical Center to
Date : - 16/10/2008
UPLAND - Crozer-Chester Medical Center will host an event on Oct. 16 to thank State Senator Dominic Pileggi for his work to support $2 million in state funding to expand and upgrade the medical center’s Nathan Speare Regional Burn Treatment Center. The event, which will be held at 1 p.m. in Crozer’s James E. Clark Center Auditorium, will include the presentation of an award to Sen. Pileggi by the staff of the Burn Treatment Center.

Pileggi, the Senate Majority Leader, helped allocate $2 million in funding as part of the Governor’s Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program. The Burn Treatment Center’s renovations are aimed at reducing infections, increasing patient safety, improving patient flow and creating a more pleasing appearance.

“For 35 years, the staff of the Nathan Speare Regional Burn Treatment Center has been dedicated to providing the highest quality of care, helping patients and their families recover from their burns and transition successfully back into their lives. Our team was honored when they learned that Senator Pileggi had intervened on our behalf to get us funding for the expansion and upgrade of the Burn Treatment Center,” says Linwood Haith, M.D., medical director of the Burn Treatment Center and chief of Burn Surgery at Crozer.

The award that will be presented to Sen. Pileggi is the first of its kind. It was created by Burn Treatment Center physicians and staff members to honor those who support the center’s mission. In addition to the award presentation, the event will include remarks by Crozer-Keystone administrators and Burn Treatment Center caregivers.

Celebrating its 35th anniversary in 2008, the Nathan Speare Regional Burn Treatment Center cares for about 450 adult and pediatric inpatients each year. The Burn Treatment Center is the only burn facility in suburban Philadelphia that serves all of the needs of burn patients and their families within a single unit - from emergency treatment to intensive care to rehabilitation to follow-up and outpatient care. It is one of about 40 burn centers in the nation that meet the criteria of the American Burn Association’s Burn Center Verification/Consultation Program.

“Senator Pileggi understands that our Burn Treatment Center has a long history of dedication to our community and the entire region. We thank him for his support of the physicians and staff members who make up our burn team. Burn care is all they do – all day, every day,” says Rick Bennett, chief operating officer of Crozer-Keystone Health System.

For more information about the Burn Treatment Center, Crozer-Chester Medical Center or Crozer-Keystone Health System, visit
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