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  News - West Penn Allegheny Health System, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania USA
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West Penn Allegheny Health System
The Western Pennsylvania Hospital Named One of the Nation's 100 Top Hospitals by Thomson Reuters
Date : - 31/03/2009
PITTSBURGH – The Western Pennsylvania Hospital was named one of the nation’s 100 Top Hospitals for 2008, the only major teaching hospital in Pennsylvania selected for this elite list by Thomson Reuters.

The 15 major teaching hospitals named to the Top 100 list include West Penn, Beth Israel Deaconess, University of Michigan Hospitals, Mayo Clinic, Duke University Hospital and Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

In addition, West Penn Hospital was selected as an Everest Award winner for delivering the fastest rate of improvement over a five-year period, 2003-2007. Everest award-winning hospitals have reached the highest level of accomplishment among the Top 100 Hospitals, and have set national benchmarks for excellence.

Of the 15 major teaching hospitals, only four, including West Penn, were chosen for the Everest Award. Overall, 23 of the Top 100 Hospitals received Everest Awards.

“We are proud that West Penn has been nationally recognized as one of the Top 100 Hospitals, and proud of the high level of care we provide to our patients,” said Dawn M. Gideon, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Western Pennsylvania Hospital. “This award is a tribute to the talent and dedicated service of our physicians, nurses, allied health professionals, and all our employees.”

The Top 100 award recognizes hospitals that have achieved excellence in clinical outcomes, patient safety, patient satisfaction, financial performance, and operational efficiency. Thomson Reuters is a leading provider of information and solutions to improve the cost and quality of healthcare.
West Penn is the only Pittsburgh-area hospital named to the Top 100 Hospitals, and one of only five in the state. This marks the fourth time since 2001 that West Penn has been named to the Top 100 Hospitals list.

The winners were identified through an in-depth analysis, the Thomson Reuters 100 Top Hospitals®: National Benchmarks study. The study evaluated 3,000 short-term, acute care, non-federal hospitals in nine areas: mortality, medical complications, patient safety, average length of stay, expenses, profitability, cash-to-debt ratio, patient satisfaction, and adherence to clinical standards of care.

The winning hospitals were announced in the March 30 edition of Modern Healthcare magazine.

“The 100 Top Hospitals winners raised the bar again this year, delivering a higher level of reliable care and greater value for their communities,” said Jean Chenoweth, senior vice president for performance improvement and 100 Top Hospitals programs at Thomson Reuters.

If all Medicare inpatients received the same level of care as Medicare patients treated in the winning hospitals

* More than 107,500 additional patients would survive
each year

* Nearly 132,000 patient complications would be
avoided annually.

* Expenses would decline by $5.9 billion a year

* The average patient stay would decrease by nearly
half a day

Reference : -
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